Facade Colour: Blue

22' 2019 Ukraine director: Oleksij Radyński cinematography: Maksym Sawczenko editing: Mykoła Bazarkin, Oleksij Radyński production: Liuba Knorozok

The so-called flying saucer—a multipurpose auditorium with a distinctive shape—is one of the most interesting examples of socialist modernist architecture in Kyiv. Its designer, Florian Yuryev, is a man of many professions. The architect, painter, musician, and luthier must now, however, take on a completely new challenge at the age of ninety: defending the work of his life against developers whose designs call for the saucer to be absorbed by a newly built shopping center.

U-jazdowski Laboratory
9.12 / 20:30
U-jazdowski Cinema
11.12 / 18:00
Screening followed by Q&A